Despite the pain they cause, headaches are not usually a sign of a serious medical condition. In many cases, persistent headaches are brought on by eye strain, migraines or stress. Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness can offer long lasting, effective chiropractic care for headaches. We will look at your lifestyle and diet to determine if there is a contributing cause.
Eliminating the contributing cause of headaches will most likely have the added effect of improving other aspects of your life. For many headache sufferers, there are lifestyle or dietary issues at play. Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness can help you improve your lifestyle and diet as part of a robust treatment plan to eliminate your headaches.
Cluster Headaches
Cluster headaches are expressed through chronic pain, which usually presents in one side of the head. Sufferers complain of sudden, sharp or pulsing pain in the affected region. Cluster headaches are often symptomatic of stress, lack of fresh air or an unsuitable diet. Sufferers can experience persistent periods of headaches with little reprieve from pain.
Lack of sleep is another possible contributor, so Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness can help you address any issues with your sleep cycle. It is not enough to simply sleep for a predefined number of hours. Proper sleep requires regulated, as well as uninterrupted, sleep. The human body functions much more efficiently with regularity. Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness can help you adapt to a better lifestyle and dietary habits to prevent the recurrence of cluster headaches.
You do not need to rely on medication to treat cluster headaches. At Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness we create detailed treatment plans for our patients that are easy to understand and follow. You have access to a team of health and wellness professionals who can answer any questions you may have.
If you are being crippled by cluster headaches, Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness can provide you with a pain relief treatment plan. Free yourself from persistent, chronic headaches by contacting us for an appointment with Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness today.