Posterior facet syndrome is a condition which typically develops as a natural consequence of aging. As the facet joints deteriorate over time, the spine loses flexion and bones begin to rub together. The result is the reduced ability to rotate the neck and spine, and bone spurs developing around the joints. Besides reduced mobility, pain is a common symptom of posterior facet syndrome.

The condition can develop in a younger person who suffers from arthritis, and greatly affects normal mobility. The pressure on the joints can become quite severe, which in turn results in chronic pain and discomfort. While PFS affects mobility, increasing mobility can actually help to greatly alleviate the symptoms of the condition in many sufferers.

Treatment from Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness

We seek to provide improved mobility and pain relief for our patients. The approach we take to your treatment plan will largely depend on your unique circumstances. Each patient has his or her own story, so we do not believe in creating one-size-fits-all treatment plans. We will take you through a comprehensive assessment, allowing us to gather essential details about your lifestyle and medical history as part of your treatment plan.

When we provide treatment at Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness, we work with you, rather than dictating to you. Your mental and emotional well-being are crucial parts of your treatment and rehabilitation. As part of your treatment plan, we will concentrate on ensuring that you remain mentally and physically fit even after your time with us has concluded.

Do not settle for treatment that only deals with the physical aspects of posterior facet syndrome. If you think you deserve more from your treatment plan, contact Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness today to make an appointment at your nearest clinic in Atlanta, Georgia.