We all know that the month of June is set aside to celebrate dads. This is such a great time to honor the men in our lives who have given so much for us. Did you know that June is also Men’s Health Month? You can read more about it here. The main goal is to encourage the seeking of regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.
Dads carry a lot of responsibility and weight on their shoulders. This often leads to a lot of stress, which can lead to other physical and mental strain and issues. As we focus on men in the month of June, one area we can help is by finding ways to reduce the amount of stress they carry each day.
Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness provides a complimentary Stress Free Day. Why not consider the men in your life and consider scheduling a Stress Free Day at your office to promote all of your employee’s health and enlighten them on the harmful effects that stress can have on them.
During this time, each employee will be taken through a short evaluation and made aware of ways to reduce the stress that is identified. Our trained professionals at Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness come to your office to perform this very special and complimentary service to you and your employees.
Call and book your business’ Stress Free Day today. Each person will even get an introductory Trigger Point Massage as well. A summary will also be provided with helpful tips on how to manage each person’s individual stress levels. We look forward to seeing you!
Posted on behalf of Georgia Spinal Health & Wellness